Jul 8, 2012

Are You “Pretentious” or “Atypical?”

I can't "share" a link on this since I don't recall who I heard talking about it on TV or what show it was, but I thought it was interesting and probably quite true.  They were discussing “pretentious egotistical type thinkers”  versus “atypical original type thinkers” on social mediums like Facebook. 

They described the pretentious ones as those who 
misleadingly paint their lives as a Disney Movie, all sugar & spice, no worries, showing off their stuff to get attention.  They usually receive agreeable comments or 'likes' on their posts from their like minded followers. (The sheep or brownnose response.)  Rarely ever does a self-absorbed thinker comment or offer solace to anyone who posts something other than fun or likewise pretentious. 
The atypicals were described as those who also post enjoyable statuses, but will intermingle somewhat melancholic posts of a personal nature or life in general that don't always paint such a glamourous, exciting picture.  They’ll receive agreeable comments from others who identify or commiserate with the subject, but they catch negative comebacks as well.  Occasionally, if they respond to a pretentious thinkers post with a different slant or imply they don't agree, it throws the pretentious for a loop.  In some cases, the pretentious will either delete the atypical's comments or the person altogether because they don't fit in with the rest of the brownnose, fairy dust covered responders in their pack.   
After thinking about it, I seriously hope I’m mainly an atypical! While I do like it when others agree with me, or share a post or status update of mine, I also appreciate a different viewpoint.   Besides, I’m a bit like a dog when another dog sticks his nose to his backside--  it’s best you keep your cold brown nose to yourself, ha-ha!   I’ve received lots of different feedback on subjects I’ve written about over the years, and I've often learned and expanded my horizons from them.   I’ve rarely deleted anyone or their comments unless they were foul in language or their arguments were off-subject or personally attacking.  (Like calling me or another commenter names, etc.  Unfortunately that HAS happened before!)  Sometimes I've posted comments to others indicating I didn’t quite agree, or I’ve shared my own similar thoughts/feelings regarding their subject.  For the most part my comments have been accepted and either further discussed or just left at that.  But yes, I’ve also been deleted by some of those pretentious kinds for my non- “baaa” response.    How truly boring their lives must be, ya think?!  ;-)


  1. I sure do agree, Carolyn! I don't always want commiseration and agreement - a little opposition gets the brain working!

  2. I think so too Judy. And if done in good decorum w/out someone getting mad, the better :-)
