Jun 25, 2012


Please don’t get me wrong--  I despise bullying and believe it should be a punishable crime if results in someone’s injury or death.  We’ve seen too much news about bullying and the horrible affects it leaves.  But let’s discuss the case of Karen Klein, the 68-year old bus monitor from upstate NY, whose video showing her being bullied by teenagers on a school bus went viral last week. 
Because of that vid, Mrs. Klein has received well over a half million dollars in donations from strangers around the country who felt bad for her.  Someone actually set up a donation account on her behalf and people actually contributed their own money to a “cause” I’m still not convinced IS one.  It supposedly started out as a $5,000 fund to send Mrs. Klein on a needed vacation, (I thought bus monitors get summers off).  And yet, a few days and a half million dollars later this lady’s now living as if she won a lottery?  I’m in total awe!!
I saw her interview this morning with Ann Curry on The Today Show.  Yes, she’s very much a grandmotherly type, has a good personality, appeared to have a pretty good sense of humour when speaking about her family, and in all likelihood, if I met her, would probably like her and enjoy her company.   So why do I feel so skeptical about her sudden charity windfall?  Why can’t I feel like others do and agree that she deserves such high compensation for being bullied by those boys on the bus?
Well, first of all--  she’s a bus monitor.  Isn’t her job as such to monitor kids on the bus and handle any bullying that may occur?  Why didn’t she take a firm stand when they started on her?  Had they bullied her before?  Did she ever report them?  I have to wonder if she let others on the bus be bullied and maybe that’s why the bullies knew they could away with it.   
Second of all--  The bus driver is heard talking to her.  Why didn’t the bus driver stop the bus and help her deal with the bullies?  Did she not believe it was all that bad?  She’s heard asking Mrs. Klein if she was crying, yet she did nothing to dissuade the bullying or help relieve Mrs. Klein’s stress.
In her interview this morning Mrs. Klein stated "I keep thinking, 'What have I done?' It's like I almost don't feel like I deserve it."   When Curry asked what she might do with all that money, she responded, "What would anybody do with that much money?" She added that she’d invest some of it and donate to charity.  Her daughter, who was sitting next to her during the interview, also chimed in that her mom would donate to charity.  At that point Mrs. Klein laughed and pointed at her daughter, saying, “Charity, yeah!”  Then she went on about her kids, explaining how they all need cars, that it was always something.  "They need, they need, they need," she said.   Ok, I wouldn’t begrudge her taking care of her family’s needs, but are they going to be her only ‘charity’ recipients?  What about setting up a fund to help victims of bullies or pay for mandatory classes bullies would have to take to learn better behavior.  She only mentioned that she hoped the people who set up the trust for her were being paid somehow.  She didn’t say she’d donate back to them though. Throughout the interview she didn’t tremble or seem too upset when retelling her story or seeing footage of the video.  I didn’t catch any mention she had to now seek ongoing psychological help for her torment. Sooooo…  was she truly harmed?
I can’t think of a valid reason why this lady is monetarily compensated for something she should have been able to handle as part of her job. Maybe I could see it if she were riding a public bus every day to get to and fro, and some mean teenagers who rode the same bus tormented her for days/weeks on end.  Shucks, I wouldn’t blame her if she knocked the snot out of them or beat them to a pulp with a cane!  But as it is, shouldn’t she of reported the kids and let the school take care of it?  If they continued, she could have taken it up with the school board or sued the kids and their parents.  Compensation should have first been sought through her job. I’m not aware she tried that.  Maybe she did though.  Maybe the video of her school board meeting didn’t get air play.  Maybe she won’t return to work in the Fall now that she doesn’t need the money. Maybe the school system will realize they were paying her for a job she clearly wasn’t properly trained to do. Maybe other school systems will take note and up the training for their bus monitors.  Maybe other bus monitors will cry bully in hopes of gaining like Mrs. Klein did.  Maybe someone will set up a fund for anyone and everyone that’s been or being bullied.  After all, shouldn’t other school kids, teachers, homeless people, wives bullied by their husbands, kids bullied by parents, employees bullied by bosses… shouldn’t they be compensated for their torment?  Tell us where those donation trusts are so the good hearted can send them money too! 
I know it isn’t Mrs. Klein’s fault someone set up a fund and all those people sent her money. But if it was me under the same circumstances, and I truly wasn’t scarred for life or suffered long-term injury, I’d feel very guilty about taking it.  I would hope I’d give it back or put it to some use for the greater good of the cause.
I wish her well with her newfound fame and fortune.  But where’s the lesson here? How is Mrs. Klein’s’ windfall teaching the bullies that their actions are bad??  Was this really a cause for compensating someone who, although clearly was bullied by those kids, worked where bullying is always a risk and it was her job to deal with it?  Isn’t it plausable that Mrs. Klein was having a bad day over other things like we all do sometimes, and those few minutes on the bus were her breaking point?   
Now before you judge me as some sarcastic, unsympathetic person for questioning this issue, please understand that I am the way I am due to some excessive bullying in my earlier years. But I’m sure if you send me some money I can overcome my ways…  ;-)


  1. You have a good point. I sort of thought something was wrong with that picture, but I couldn't really put words to it. If she wants to do the right thing, she will set up a trust for the school or to help underprivileged kids. She could also fund a new teacher; one who will teach respect and consideration for others, since their parents are obviously falling down on the job.

  2. I might have disagreed until I saw her on the news and read the account of it in paper. Have to agree she did NOT appear wrecked for life over the ordeal. What i don't understand is this: why a Canadian guy would set up a fund for her. She said she doesn't the man but that may not be true. Suspiciously looks like a scam to raise some tax free cash for herself and her family!
